
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Heroes 1st Season Finale

I know - I'm a bit behind on my TV watching. Ben and I have too many shows to watch and not enough time together to watch them. That's what happens when you work part-time from home and need to work whenever your spouse is home!

Ben and I finally caught up on Heroes and have been having a marathon since we've been home the last couple of weekends. Our goal was to get it watched before Season 2 started and we were able to make our goal!

I think Heroes overall is a good and very entertaining show. I like it's comic book format, and how there are certain goals that the characters set out to achieve and they achieve them. I also like that it is a character driven show. The characters are all very interesting in their unque ways.

As for the season finale, Ben and I watched it Monday night and both agreed on Tuesday that although it was good, it wasn't quite as exciting as we expected. Yes, the exploding man was stopped as promised, but not really in a spectacular way. Anyone else out there watch Heroes and want to disagree with us?

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