
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Voyager by Diana Gabaldon (audio)

I’ve been super busy at work and was recently gone for a long weekend trip so I’m a bit behind on reviews. I’m going to TRY to do brief reviews to catch myself back up!

I’m continuing my quest to listen to all of Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series before the new book (An Echo in the Bone) comes out in September. I am listening to the abridged audio versions as I am limited on time. Listening to the abridged versions gives me a quick review of the action, but also whets my taste to really want to reread the entire saga. I may have to do that. . . maybe I should create my own Outlander challenge. Would there be any interested parties?

If you have not read the first two books yet, the following synopsis contains spoiler alerts! Voyager is the story of Claire’s return to Jamie in the past. After discovering at the end of Dragonfly in Amber that Jamie is still alive, Claire, Roger, and Briana research Jamie’s whereabouts during the twenty years since Claire last saw him. After determining his whereabouts, Claire leaves her daughter behind and returns to the past. After a passionate reunion, Claire learns that there are complications . . . such as the fact that Jamie remarried! Claire and Jamie soon must put complications aside to sail to the New World to look for Jamie’s nephew Ian, who was kidnapped by pirates. Much adventure ensues.

The abridged audio version of the book was well read, but the music was still terrible. There was also a lot left out . . . and much of this will be important in future books (such as Jamie’s son). This is disappointing, but not unexpected with abridged books. Voyager is a good book and I’ll definitely need to reread this in the future!

My favorite quote, “I’ve see ye so many times,” he said, his voice whispering warm in my ear. “You’ve come to me so often. When I dreamed sometimes. When I lay in fever. When I was so afraid and so lonely I knew I must die. When I needed you, I would always see ye, smiling, with your hair curling up about your face. But ye never spoke. And ye never touched me.”

“I can touch you now.” . . .

“Dinna be afraid,” he said softly, “There’s the two of us now.”


  1. I absolutely love this series.

    I am listening to the unabridged audiobook of Dragonfly in Amber. This is my second "read" with this book. I am loving the auidoboook which has surprised me. I am thinking that I will skip the unabridged versions as it is hard for me to imagine not "reading" all there is to Jamie and Claire's story. Although, for others, an abridged version may be good.

    Love the quotes you choose.

  2. I definitely need to listen to the unabridged versions one of these days!!
