
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Where is Laura?

I have been missing in action from my blog for awhile. If any of you followed my blog back in 2007 and 2008 you will notice similar disappearances. I am expecting Baby Gerold Number Three on October 23rd . . . so there will probably be another disappearance from me later this year!

While the new baby is good news, the bad news is that I have Hyperemesis gravidarum for the third time. From my friends at Wikipedia, “Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is a severe form of morning sickness, with "unrelenting, excessive pregnancy-related nausea and/or vomiting that prevents adequate intake of food and fluids." Hyperemesis is considered a rare complication of pregnancy. Estimates of the percentage of pregnant women afflicted range from 0.3% to 2.0%.” I have lost 20 lbs so far and am feeling far from fine. Needless to say I haven’t been able to spend much time on my blog.

I have been reading a lot and have a couple giant stacks of books next to my computer that I need to complete reviews. In order to do this in a somewhat timely fashion my reviews are going to be in brief until I catch up. I also have winners to announce from the past three giveaways. I promise that it will happen sometime in the next couple of weeks. So bear with me and hopefully things will be back to normal soon!


  1. Congratulations on your pregnancy! I'm sorry for you illness but I hope you are staying strong and I'm glad to hear you're still reading!

  2. Oh my word! I'm so sorry you got HG again! Get lots of rest and take care of you and baby.

    Laura Hartness
    The Calico Critic

  3. Congratulations, Laura! Hopefully, you will feel better soon. Enjoy your reading!

  4. Congrats on the baby and I'm sorry about your HG I hope you feel better soon!

  5. Congratulations on the pregnancy. Hope you feel better soon. If you need help with something here don't be afraid to ask. My babies are grown (my daughter is getting married Saturday) but I remember struggling through some of this to a lesser degree than you are. Take care of yourself.

  6. I was wondering where you were! Congratulations on the pregnancy, I hope you start feeling better soon!

  7. Oh, my! That sounds painful. Hope it doesn't last long. But, WOW, congrats on the baby. I just had my first baby nine weeks ago today. They're such a blessing.

  8. Poor you! Hope you feel better soon--good you have a big reading stack, though by the bed/couch would be better than by the computer!

  9. I was wondering what happened to you too. Thanks for filling us in :) Congrats on baby #3. Boo on the sickness. Oh my gosh, I can't imagine how sick you must feel. I had the typical early pregnancy nausea, but nothing like you must be experiencing. Hang in there. At least there is light at the end of the tunnel!

  10. Congrats on the new baby! Sorry you are so awfully ill. I had terrible morning sickness albeit not as bad as yours, but I know how depressing it can be. I hope you have a good support system and that you push through this and have a better second half to your pregnancy. Stay strong!

  11. Happy to hear you are expecting again, a new baby is always a blessing, sorry to hear your pregnancy is a hard one! Get plenty of rest and don't worry about us, just know we are thinking about you and praying for you!!

  12. Congratulations on the baby! That's so exciting! I have a friend who had Hyperemesis gravidarum with all four of her children. She lost so much weight and was so miserable, but said it was worth it after she had each new baby in her arms. Take it easy and hang in there. Don't worry about blogging, we'll be here when you get back! Love and prayers going out to you.

  13. Congratulations! Don't worry about your reviews, we want you to be well. :)

  14. Congrats on the pregnancy! I hope the HG symptoms disappear soon! We'll be praying for you and your little one!

  15. Oh, sorry to hear about the complication. Sure takes the fun out of being pregnant. Good that you can still fill the time with some reading. Take care.

  16. Congratulations Laura, I am so happy for you !!! I was kind of wondering about your whereabouts !!! I hope you will feel better very, very soon because it must be quite unpleasant to be that sick all the time.
    All my friendly thoughts to you and your family, Fondly; Virginie a faithful reader from France

  17. Congrats Laura!! I wish you well as you deal with this hyperemesis yuck and yuck it is! I have experienced it with all of my pregnancies, it is not fun. Hope this period of time is of short duration.

  18. congratulations! I hope you are feeling better soon!

  19. Congratulations on the coming baby and big hugs for the morning sickness! Wish you all the best of luck with the pregnancy and birth and hope you feel better soon!

  20. Congrats on the baby but sorry to hear that you are having such a rough time! Take care of yourself and don't stress about blogging.

  21. Congratulations Laura! Hope you begin to feel better soon.

  22. Take care! and congrats.
    We have this tea locally which is wonderful for upset tummies its called Yogi Ginger tea. It probably won't completely help but its may take the edge off, and its organic and tastes incredible - my Brit hubby the tea snob from hell even likes it.

  23. Congratulations and take good care of yourself.

  24. Congratulations! I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well. Some of my friends have had that and it's just awful. Another friend had sickness for the entirety of her first two pregnancies, and found that in her third pregnancy it helped to change her diet so that she had less than 6 grams of sugar a day, and added a lot of protein. She actually stopped being sick, which I think is amazing, but obviously not a solution for everyone.

    I hope you can find something to help you feel better, and that even if you can't that you are able to keep your spirits up!

  25. Laura, You have my complete sympathy. I experienced this with both my pregnancies. I said I felt like my stomach had been pulled out and run over by a truck.

    Not a pretty metaphor. Back in the day, I took Bendectin and was able to get up and move around and actually live.

    They took it off the market because of large "sympathy" settlements for people who sued when they had children with birth defects. Even though many studies had shown that Bendectin was harmless.

    That's why I stopped at two kids. Hang in there. You have my admiration.

  26. Congratulations!!!!! I hope you get to feeling better soon!! I will keep you in my thoughts!
