
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Killing Wonder Woman by Tenaya T.J. Tison Review and GIVEAWAY! (TLC Book Tours)

Subtitle:  Setting Weary Women Free to Win at Work and Soar in Faith

Do you ever feel that life sets an impossible standard for you to achieve through the media and expectations of your work, friends, and family?  Is there a way to let go of these expectations and learn to put your all forward at life and work through your faith?

Killing Wonder Woman has four parts.  The first part defines what the author means by “Killing Wonder Woman.”  My six-year old daughter who is a Wonder Woman fan saw this book and instantly asked, “Why would anyone want to kill Wonder Woman?”  Have no fear, the author does not mean literally to kill Wonder Woman.  She states that “Wonder Woman is any ideal, label, or lie you feel compelled to live up to and use in order to define and measure yourself and your worth.” Author Tenaya Tison implores us to open our eyes and realize that the wonder women of literature and film are idealistic and fictional and we should not set up unrealistic expectations that we can be just like them.  Other wonder woman include women of the Bible, and actual wonder woman that could be a family member or neighbor who seems to have a perfect life that you can’t measure up to.

The second part of Killing Wonder Woman is titled “Set Free” and tells you that “killing the lies and claiming the truth is what sets you free.”  It goes through how to have freedom through Christ and the Holy Spirit and how to accept their guidance.    Part three is Win at Work.  This talks about bringing your faith to the work place and how to think work not just as a means of getting the almighty dollar, but how to work with passion and a purpose.  I agree with this.  When I get dogged down at work with the sheer amount of hours I have to put in to get it all done, I think about the mission of the college I work at – to make it so that everyone can get an education and obtain a job with a livable wage for a family.  I firmly believe in that mission and also in the mission of providing clean water and a clean environment to the world.  The fourth and final part of the book focuses on Faith that Sours.

Killing Wonder Woman had a unique premise that I enjoyed and it truly spoke to me.  I too strive toward impossible goals at times and have had to let go of those standards in order to be a better, happier person.  I enjoyed the spiritual aspects of the book as well and how to move forward my faith journey.  I also enjoyed that author Tenaya Tison is from Wisconsin!  I enjoyed her side story about growing up with a big nose. I too felt that pain growing up!

My favorite quotes:

“We’ve come to believe the lie that if we are smart enough, pretty enough, strong enough, or brave enough, then we too can live happily ever after, just like all of the books we read and movies we watched.”

“There’s nothing wrong with admiring the character and accomplishments of these godly women.  Just don’t measure your success in your faith journey, or your worth to God, against them. Why not? Because you aren’t them and you never will be.  If God wanted you to be Esther, He would’ve made you Esther.  But He made you who you are because He loves you that way.”

“God didn’t create us to live in some mold defined by others.  He created us to be free, live abundantly, and walk beautifully and uniquely in the purpose He created for us before we were even born.”

“The house is meticulously clean.  The kids are always on their best behavior.  The budget always balances with a little extra left over at the end of every month.  The jeans from high school still fit.  The meals consists of only healthy choices made from scratch.  Work is so rewarding it can hardly be called work.  Does this sound like your life?  No, me either.”

Overall, Killing Wonder Woman is a book that every woman should read.  It focuses not on telling us how we should live our lives, but how we can accept the path that God has laid out for us.

Book Source:   Review Copy as part of the TLC Book Tour.  For more stops on the tour check out this link.


One lucky winner will receive a copy of Killing Wonder Woman by Tenaya T.J. Tison as well as a "I'm Killing Wonder Woman" t-shirt. If you would like to win this book and t-shirt, please leave a comment on what interests you about this book.

As part of your comment, you must include an email address. If I can't find a way to contact you I will draw another winner.

For an additional entry, blog about this giveaway or post it on your sidebar. Provide a link to this post in your comment.

I will be using (or a Monte Carlo simulation in excel) to pick the winners from the comments.

This contest is only open to addresses in the United States and Canada.

The deadline for entry is midnight on Friday June 2nd!

Please make sure to check the week of June 5th to see if you are a winner. I send emails to the winner, but lately I've been put in their "junk mail" folder instead of their inbox.

Good luck!


  1. Laura, this sounds like a wonderful, much-needed book for women! I enjoyed reading your review, and think this book would help me to find more balance in life. I will add a link to this generous giveaway to my blog's sidebar. Thanks for hosting this giveaway, and for a well-written, terrific review!


  2. This book sounds unique, helpful and a wonderful treasure. elliotbencan(at)hotmail(dot)com

  3. sounds interesting

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  4. I would enjoy this thought provoking book very much. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com
