
Monday, August 31, 2020

I’m Your Huckleberry by Val Kilmer

I’ve been a fan of Val Kilmer’s since I was young and have enjoyed so many of his movies – Top Gun, Willow, Tombstone, Batman:  Forever, Real Genius, The Saint, etc.  Memories of these movies take me back to different points of my life.  I was excited to be able to review his memoir.

I was not disappointed.  This was an interesting look into Kilmer’s life.  He was very candid and talked about playing the rolls in his most iconic movies, the (many) loves of his life, his travels, his philosophy, his youth, his marriage, his cancer diagnosis, and more.  The reflections were not in chronological order but were on the whim of what he wanted to talk about at that time.  They did seem to all piece together perfectly.  I was pleasantly surprised to learn of his deep faith and his lifelong following of Christian Science.

My favorite story in this audiobook was right at the start.  I didn’t know that Val Kilmer was Cher’s boyfriend in his youth, and they have remained friends since then.  Val was living in a cottage on Cher’s estate after he was diagnosed with cancer.  He had a medical emergency and an ambulance was called.  Cher was with him as he was taken away and then he noticed her checking out the paramedic. He made eye contact and Cher shrugged.  It was very humorous.

I liked Kilmer’s honesty in his book and his reflections on growing older, relationships, and mortality.  I thought it was interesting that there were three different narrators and they would alternate between different sections of the book. 

Overall, I’m Your Huckleberry is an enjoyable, refreshing, and at times humorous memoir. 

1 comment:

  1. I saw Val Kilmer as Hamlet at the Colorado Shakespeare Festival in 1988, which was pretty interesting. I like him as an actor but no nothing about his personal life. Sounds like a good guy, and the book is one of those enjoyable reads.
