
Friday, August 9, 2024

Spare by Prince Harry


Title:  Spare

Author:  Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex

Narrated by:  Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex

Publisher: Random House Audio

Length: Approximately 15 hours and 39 minutes

Source: Checked out with Libby through the Kewaunee Public Library.  Thank-you!

Are you a fan of the royal family?  Although I am American, I have always enjoyed reading about the royal family of the United Kingdom.  Spare is Prince Harry’s tell all memoir that was much publicized.  This was the August pick for the Page-turners Book Club at the Kewaunee Public Library.

My thoughts on this audiobook:

·       Prince Harry’s memoir started with his mother’s, Princess Diana’s, death.  This was a defining moment in his life and many of his actions through his life have all been based on this.

·       Harry’s relationship problems with William seem to be typical brother woes but made to be worse by the separateness of family members.  Treating two brothers so very differently is going to cause problems.  I was horrified by the details Harry included that were personal and would have been best discussed directly with family members rather than in a tell all memoir.

·       Prince Harry read the book himself, which I greatly enjoyed.  He has a nice voice.

·       The memoir seemed raw and honest; it was Harry’s truth as he sees it.

·       I am not sure I believe that Harry should have written about his family like this.

·       Harry really hates the paparazzi, and it seems to consume his life.

·       He has a real fear of not having himself and family protected, and I understand that.

·       You can feel his love for Meghan in this book.  You can also feel the love that his father has for him.  I’m sad that they are estranged.

·       Harry has had a lot to live with being in the public eye, his mother’s death, and PTSD from his military service.  I hope he can get the help he needs, and I hope he learns to keep some things private and to appreciate the family he has while he has them.

Overall, Spare was an interesting memoir, and I am glad I listened to the audiobook.  It did make me wonder about our insatiable curiosity about the royal family.  Living under the microscope can benefit family members like Harry who are looking for an income, but it really seems to strain family relationships.

1 comment:

  1. I also tend to follow the British Royal family, but I also agree that this type of a memoir will only drive the brothers further apart. At the end of the day, it sounds like Harry is bitter that he wasn't first-born. It isn't William's fault he was born before Harry and so by definition has a different role in the world, his country, and his family.
