Sunday, August 11, 2024

Stranded with Mr. Darcy by Lin Mei Wei


Do you like castaway stories?  I always have with my favorite being the Swiss Family Robinson.

Mr. Darcy proposed to Elizabeth Bennet at Hunsford and was rejected.  He now finds himself in the awkward position of being with her as they journey with the new Mr. and Mrs. Bingley to Italy.  A storm takes their ship off course and Mr. Darcy and Lizzie find themselves stranded on a desert island.  Will they make it off the island?  What will society say about such a situation.

My thoughts on this novel:

·       Stranded with Mr. Darcy was the July pick for the JASNA Northwoods book club.  Those of us that read it enjoyed it but agreed that it could have been trimmed down.  The story seemed to drag at times.

·       I love castaway stories and Pride and Prejudice variations.  This was a fun combo of two genres that I enjoy.

·       I enjoyed that Darcy had a lot of survival skills.

·       Elizabeth and Darcy grew to know each other as they worked to survive.  They cuddled together in the night to share body heat, but surprisingly, nothing more than that occurred.

·       The story slowed down for me when they were rescued.  There is a storyline with a cousin that is Mr. Darcy’s heir that seemed strange.  The cousin did not want Mr. Darcy to marry as he would lose his inheritance.  I don’t know why he would assume that Mr. Darcy wouldn’t marry.

Overall, Stranded with Mr. Darcy was a fun Pride and Prejudice variation with a castaway twist.

Book Source: Kindle version purchased through

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this review with the Historical Fiction Reading Challenge.
