Monday, December 30, 2024

The Christmas Dog Sitters by Lucy Mitchell


Title: The Christmas Dog Sitters

Author:  Lucy Mitchell

Narrated by:  Charlie Albers

Publisher: Dreamscape Media

Length: Approximately 9 hours and 3 minutes

Source: Review Copy from NetGalley.  Thank you!

Christmas dog or Christmas cat?  I love them both.

Rachel is having a hard time as Christmas nears.  Her best friend has passed away, she has lost her job, and her heart has recently been broken.  Her family decides on their WhatsApp chat that Rachel will watch her sister’s dog over Christmas at their fabulous estate while the rest of the family vacations elsewhere.  They also decide that Rachel will also watch her Grandpa as well.  Rachel is not happy with her family making these decisions for her.  As she settles in and meets contractor Ben who is working on her sister’s house, will she be able to make a change to her life?

My thoughts on this novel:

·       As Rachel and Grandpa settle into the estate, they learn that no one likes Frank Baxtor (Rachel’s rich famous actor brother-in-law who owns the estate).

·       The dog seems annoying but turns out to be a hero.

·       I loved Grandpa.  I also liked how at first, Rachel is annoyed that her family has stuck her with watching Grandpa for Christmas.  Grandpa helps her to remember that he is a person too with dreams and the loves and cares for her and their family. 

·       All Grandpa wants for Christmas is to live and to have his own romance and adventure.

·       I enjoyed the comedic elements of the story.  It was a very fun romantic comedy.

·       Rachel is a cook and I always enjoy descriptions of foods and feasts. 

·       I liked how one of the themes was not to judge people and that there is always a second chance for everyone in life.

·       I really wanted to know what was going on with Rachel’s sister Maddie and her husband Frank.  I guessed mostly what was happening but did have a surprise at the end. 

·       Rachel and Ben had a sweet romance story.

·       I loved all of the characters and the setting in the English village.

Overall, The Christmas Dog Sitters by Lucy Mitchell is a charming romantic comedy story which was a lot of fun to read.

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