Cassie Boulton is a marine biologist and a professor at a small college. She spends each summer conducting research at the MBL in Woods Hole on the East Coast. This particular summer, Cassie is in town with her best friend Erin who is nursing a broken heart. Erin soon meets and falls in love with a man named Scott. Erin has Cassie play chaperone the first few times they meet and unfortunately, Cassie has to put up with Scott’s taciturn friend Calder. Cassie and Calder find themselves strangely attracted and share a very passionate love scene in the marsh one night. Calder finds he is unable to win Cassie’s love and decides to use Pride and Prejudice to try to break through to her.
Overall, this book was engaging and very romantic. I loved, loved, loved that Cassie was a scientist and strong woman. As an engineer, I am sad that women are not often shown as scientists/engineers generally in fiction. Calder was a very sexy hero. All of the characters, including the secondary, were very well written and interesting. I was happy to read at the end that Ms. Reynolds is at work on a follow-up to The Man Who Loved Pride and Prejudice. I can’t wait to get my hands on it!
I also noted that Ms. Reynolds lives in Wisconsin. I wonder where . . . maybe Door County? If so, she could come to my book club. I can dream!
I will be in Michigan visiting my family for the next week and a half so there will be silence on my blog until I return. Happy Memorial Day!
Book Source: Advanced Review Copy from Sourcebooks. Thank-you!