Historical Fiction


Old Chevy on the Prairie:  Our Journey to Visit Little House Sites
Top Ten Pioneer Books 


Ancient Times

Biblical Times
A.D. 33 by Ted Dekker

Middle Ages

17th Century

18th Century


Mexican American War

Civil War (and directly after)

19TH Century

Turn of the Century (Pre-WWI)







20th Century

Spans Centuries

Ackerman, Sara
The Lieutenant's Nurse

Adams, Thelma
The Last Woman Standing

Aiken, Joan (continuation of Jane Austen)

The Watsons

Alexander, Tianna

Carolina Built

Alexander, Tamera
To Wager Her Heart
With This Pledge

Allain, Suzanne

The Ladies Rewrite the Rules

Adler, Malka 

Anderson, Rebecca

Arlen, Tessa

Austin, Finola
Bronte's Mistress

Austin, Lynn

Waiting for Christmas

Crispin:  The Cross of Lead
Crispin:  At the Edge of  the World

Baker, Ellen

The Hidden Life of Cecily Larson

Balogh, Mary

Under the Mistletoe

Balson, Ronald H.

Barr, Lisa

Barron, Stephanie

Bayard, Louis
Courting Mr. Lincoln
The Black Tower
The Pale Blue Eye
Mr. Timothy

Beanland, Rachel

The House is on Fire

Beaton, M.C. or Marion Chesney
Regency Gold

Benedict, Marie

The Personal Librarian

Bennett Brit

The Vanishing Half

Benjamin, Melanie
The Aviator's Wife

The Children's Blizzard

Black, Lucy E.M.
Eleanor Courtown

Black, Tavi Taylor


Blalock, Georgie

The Windsor Conspiracy

Blume, Judy
In the Unlikely Event

Bohjalian - Chris

Hour of the Witch

Boyne, John
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

Bradley, Kaliane

The Ministry of Time

Brock, Kimberly

The Fabled Earth

Brooks, Karen
The Chocolate Maker's Wife

Brown, Kimberly Garrett

Bryan, Helen
The Valley

Buck, Pearl S.

Butler, Octavia E.

Byrd, Sandra
Lady of a Thousand Treasures

Callahan, Patti

Once Upon a Wardrobe

Callaway, Joy

What the Mountains Remember

Cambron, Kristy

The British Booksellers

Camden, Elizabeth

While the City Sleeps

When Stars Light the Sky

Caudill, Crystal

Counterfeit Love

Chadwick, Elizabeth

Chan, Vanessa

Chamberlain, Diane

Charry, Brinda

Chiaverini, Jennifer

Christie, Agatha

Ciesielski, J'Nell

Clayton - Meg Waite

Cleave, Chris
Everyone Brave is Forgiven 

 Cleefton, Chanel

Clinch, Jon

Conlon-McKenna, Marita

Rebel Sisters

Connally, Celeste

Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Lord

Connealy, Mary

Chasing the Horizon

Whispers of Fortune

Connolly, Rebecca

Hidden Yellow Stars

Cooper, James Fenimore
The Last of the Mohicans

Cooper, Tea

Correa, Armando Lucas
The German Girl

Coventry, Carol

Counting on Love

Dailey, Janet

A Calder at Heart

Dallas, Sandra

Where Coyotes Howl

Davis, Fiona

The Magnolia Palace

Deibel, Jennifer

The Maid of Ballymacool

Heart of the Glen

de Gramont, Nina

The Christie Affair

Dekker, Ted
A.D. 33 

Dickens, Charles

A Tale of Two Cities

Doerr, Anthony  

Donaldson, Julianne


Donoghue, Emma
The Pull of the Stars

Dray, Stephanie and Laura Kamoie
America's First Daughter
My Dear Hamilton

Duffy, Kimberly

Every Word Unsaid

Du Maurier, Daphne
Jamaica Inn

Dykes, Amanda

All the Lost Places

Born of Gilded Mountains

Eden, Sarah M. 

The Merchant and the Rogue

Ellsworth, Loretta

The French Winemaker's Daughter

Erdrich, Louise
The Birchbark House

Evans, Richard Paul
Noel Street

Everett, Percival


Eves, Rosalyn

An Unlikely Proposition

Fajardo-Anstine, Kali

Woman of Light

Fancher, Charles B.

Red Clay

Fellowes, Julian

Ferber, Edna
So Big

So Big (2024 Review)

Flynn, Kathleen A.
The Jane Austen Project

Fordham, Rachel

Beyond Ivy Walls

 Foster, Brooke Lea

Fox, Hester
The Witch of Willow Hall

Frantz, Laura

Fraser, Darry

Freeman, Dianne

Friedland, Jacqueline

Garmus, Bonnie

Lessons in Chemistry

Gaynor, Hazel

Christmas with the Queen
The Cottingley Secret
Last Christmas in Paris

Gilman, Susan Jane
The Ice Cream Queen of Orchard Street

Goodman, Alison

The Benevolent Ladies of Ill Mannered Ladies

The Dark Days Club

Gortner, C.W.

Graham, Winston
Ross Poldark 
Demelza Poldark 
Jeremy Poldark 

Grande, Reyna

Gratz, Alan

Greeley, Molly

Green, Amy Lynn

Green, Jocelyn

The Hudson Collection

Gregory, Philippa 
Earthly Joys

Griep, Michelle

Of Gold and Shadows

Grissom, Kathleen

Crow Mary

Gyasi, Yaa


Hadlow, Janice

The Other Bennet Sister

Handeland, Lori

Suddenly That Summer

Hannah, Kristin

Hardy, Thomas

Far From the Madding Crowd

Harmel, Kristin

Harper, Karen
American Duchess
The Royal Nanny

Harris, Nathan

The Sweetness of Water

Harvey, Kristy Woodson

Hauck, Rachel

Hawthorne, Nathanial

Hedlund, Jody

Henriquez, Cristina

The Great Divide

Heyer, Georgette

Hlad, Alan

The Book Spy

Hoffman, Alice

Magic Lessons


Hooper, Elise

Hornby, Gill

Ishiguro, Kazuo
The Remains of the Day

Jaeger, Meredith
Boardwalk Summer 

James, Syrie

The Mysteries of Pendowar Hall

Jenner, Natalie

Jenoff, Pam

Last Twilight in Paris

Jiles, Paulette

Johns, Ana
The Woman in the White Kimono

Johnson, Jen Geigle

To Win Her Hand

Johnson, Sadeqa

The House of Eve

The Yellow Wife

Johnson, Todd M.

The Barrister and the Letter of the Marque

Joshi, Alka

The Henna Artist

Kearsley, Susanna
A Desperate Fortune
The Firebird 
The Rose Garden 

Kelly, Julia

Kelly, Lee

Kelly, Vanessa

Kiste, Gwendolyn

Klassen, Julie

Knight, Eliza

Knoll, Jessica

Knowles, John

Kortchik, Lana

Krueger, William Kent

Ladd, Sarah E.

Lane, Rose Wilder
Young Pioneers

Laurens, Stephanie

Linder, Hannah

Lippman, Laura
Lady in the Lake

Macneal, Elizabeth
The Doll Factory

Macomber, Debbie

The Christmas Spirit

Manning, Kate

Gilded Mountain

Manning, Kirsty
The Song of the Jade Lily

Marsh, Beezy

Queen of Thieves

Martin, Madeline

The Last Bookshop in London

Matthews, Mimi

Maxwell, William
So Long, See You Tomorrow

McCoy, Sarah

McCrumb, Sharyn
Prayers the Devil Answers

McKenna, Clara

Murder on Mistletoe Lane

McMillan, Rachel

The Liberty Scarf

Messineo, Teresa
The Fire by Night

Meyer, Gabrielle

Meyer, Margaret

The Witching Tide

Miller, Carolyn

Miller, Sarah

 Millner, Denene

Mitchell, Margaret

Moggach, Deborah
Tulip Fever

Moll, Heather

My Dear Friend

Without Undue Pride

Monette, Ginger
Darcy's Hope:  Beauty from Ashes

Montefiore, Santa
The Secret of the Irish Castle

Montgomery, LM
Rilla of Ingleside

Moore, Heather B.

Morrow, Jill

Murray, Victoria Christopher

Nack, Leslie Johansen

O'Brien - Keith

Odden, Karen

Orange, Tommy

Page, Sharon
The Worthington Wife

Palacio, RJ
Scandalous Women

Penner, Sarah

Peterson, Tracie

Petry, Ann

 Pike, Signe

Pillitteri, Joseph
Courage Between Love and Death

Politano, Joanne Davidson

The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple

Pook, Lizzie

Maude Horton's Glorious Revenge

Purman, Victoria

The Radio Hour

Quinn, Kate

Rader - Day, Lori

Rafala, Marco
How Fires End

Ramunno, Oriana

Ashes in the Snow

Reay, Katherine

Reid, Taylor Jenkins

Richardson, Kim Michele

Riley, Vanessa

Rimmer, Kelly

Rindell, Suzanne
The Other Typist 

Robotham, Mandy
The Resistance Girl

Robson, Jennifer
The Gown

Rose, M.J.
Tiffany Blues 

Rosenberg. Rebecca

Runyan, Aimie K.
The Liberty Scarf

Russell, Mary Doria
The Women of the Copper Country

Ryan, Jennifer
The Chilbury Ladies' Choir

Ryan, Pam Munoz

Schellman, Katharine

Scott, Anika

Scott, Sir Walter

Seales, Julia

See, Lisa

Seton, Anya


Setterfield, Diane
Bellman and Black
Once Upon a River

Shipman, Viola

The Heirloom Garden

Simonson, Helen
The Summer Before the War

Skenandore, Amanda
Between Earth and Sky

Smith, K. Lyn

Smith, Katy Simpson
Free Men 

Snyder, John
Jacob's Bell

Solomons, Natasha
The Song of Hartgrove Hall 

Steiner, Logan

After Anne

Stern, Herbert J. and Alan A Winter

Stewart, Mary

Rose Cottage

Stillman, Whit
Love and Friendship

Stockton, Kasey

A Yuletide Bride

Stokes - Chapman, Susan

The Shadow Key

Sundin, Sarah

Midnight on the Scottish Shore

Taylor, Andrew
The Second Midnight

Thomas, Sarah Loudin

These Tangled Threads

Thompson, Marielle

The Last Witch in Edinburgh

Thorne, Jennifer

The Starlets

Thornell, Karen

No Match for Love

Todd, Charles
A Fine Summer's Day 

Tromp, Janyre

Tsukiyama - Gail

The Brightest Star

Tully, Daniela
Hotel on Shadow Lake

Turano, Jen

Meeting Her Match

Turansky, Carrie

The Legacy of Longdale Manor

van Alkemade, Kim

Veletzos, Roxanne

Vetsch - Erica

Walker - Anneka R.

Waters, Martha

Webb, Heather

Weiner, Jennifer
Mrs. Everything

Wells, Christine

The Paris Gown

The Royal Windsor Secret

Wen, Amanda

O Little Town

White, Karen

White,Roseanna M.

Whitehead, Colten

Harlem Shuffle

    Wilde, Darcie

    The Matter of the Secret Bride

    Wilder, Laura Ingalls
    Little House in the Big Woods
    Little House on the Prairie
    On the Banks of Plum Creek 
    By the Shores of Silver Lake
    The Long Winter
    Old Chevy Truck on the Prairie:  Our Journey to Visit Little House Sites 

    Wiggs, Susan
    Map of the Heart 

    Williams, Beatriz

    Wingate, Lisa
    Before We Were Yours

    Winters, Mary

    Murder in Season

    Witemeyer, Karen

    Cloaked in Beauty

    Wood, Shelley
    The Quintland Sisters

    Woodhouse, Kimberley

    The Secrets Beneath

    Wright, Jaime Jo

    Night Falls on Predicament Avenue

    Specters in the Glass House


    Finding the Hero's Journey: Or How Shadows and Strongholds Came to Be Written by Elizabeth Chadwick
    Why do Books have Name Changes? by Elizabeth Chadwick
    Writing about the Marshals by Elizabeth Chadwick 

    Elizabeth Chadwick on the Scarlet Lion 

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