Over the River and Through the Woods by Lydia Marie
Child, Illustrated by Matt Tavares
My five year old daughter, Penelope, LOVES this book
and we have checked it out from the library the last few years at the
holidays. It’s a good Thanksgiving and
Christmas book. Penelope and I love to
sing the book as I remember singing this song in music class long ago when I was
a child. I didn’t know then that it was originally a poem written by Lydia
Marie Child in the 19th century. Penelope loves the beautiful
illustrations by Matt Tavares, including a story behind the story when a hat is
lost and a dog picks it up chasing the family to return. She also loves the two dogs snuggling at the
Turkey Trouble by Wendi Silvano, Illustrated by Lee

Jack and Annie travel in their magic treehouse to the
very first Thanksgiving and meet the pilgrims.
They befriend Pricilla and help to prepare the meal. My seven year old son Daniel really enjoyed
this book. He especially loved how
Squanto helped Jack and Annie out to explain to the wondering pilgrims where
they came from.
Kile (9 years old) and I read this book together. The book is set up with short interesting
sections with a lot of great information about the pilgrims from why they left
England, their voyage, and their early settlement. Kile really liked the quizzes (multiple
choice) and myth and fact sections throughout the book. He would cover up the answers and quiz me
before I could see. It was a fast read
and a book that we both enjoyed.
Laura, these books look like great fun. I still love to read and learn about Thanksgiving and the Pilgrims.
ReplyDeleteMe too! It seems like I always learn something new every year. I love reading holiday books with my kids!