After watching the finale last Friday, my first thought, was good, but not great. But then I thought about it for a few more days. I realized that most shows lose my interest LONG before the series is able to complete, or the shows I like get cancelled without fulfilling their purpose. In fact, there are only a handful of shows I've actually watched from beginning to end. And out of those shows, I realized that Battlestar had the best finale by far.
What did I like . . . I loved that most of the ends were tied and that we got to see what the future would hold for most of our favorite characters. I also liked that the series did not end on a depressing note. There is hope for our characters to lead a happy life on the new earth . . . although this has all happened before and will happen again the future. I really liked the action sequences. I also liked the present day NYC Six and Baltar reading about how Hera was all of our Mitocondrial DNA mother. I know others thought it was cheesy and wrong, but I liked it. Especially with the music and Ron Moore appearance!
I didn't like how Cavil just shot himself. After everything, his suicide felt like a cop-out. I didn't like how Starbuck's story line was never resolved. Sure she is an angel,but it didn't explain how she got back to the fleet, her father, why did she know the song from childhood, etc. I want to know! I also didn't like how Adama, Lee, and the Chief are going to live solitary lifes forever on Earth. That just seemed depressing.
Overall though, I thought the finale did an excellent job. Battlestar was a great show and had a good run. I only hope we can get another excellent program like this to watch in the future.